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How to Interview

‘How to succeed at interviews Part 4: It’s the little things’ Andreea Hudson, Principal Consultant featured image October 12th 2018

‘How to succeed at interviews Part 4: It’s the little things’ Andreea Hudson, Principal Consultant

Interviews are a nerve-wracking experience; it’s hard to self-promote in front of people assessing whether you qualify for the job. So here are a few things to help you feel more relaxed and to give yourself a breather. Accept a glass of water in the interview – it is a good way to give yourself a second to regroup and focus your thoughts if you are feeling nervous or are unsure how to answer a question.

Bring a pad and pen. This not only helps you to write down any questions or thoughts you may have during the interview to ask later, but it also shows that you are prepared and engaged in the conversation. Remember that though you may be interviewing for them, you need to determine if the job and company are the right fit for you too. Don’t be afraid to get as much out of the interview as you can.

Finally, follow up your interview with an email. This is a nice reminder of who you are, it shows your interest in the role and shows an element of proactiveness. Adopt some of these handy techniques that, though small, can help to keep you on top of your game to give the best interview possible.

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